Today Sombrero met a real cowboy, we think. It is not the clearest pic but do I dare ask to take a picture twice? It is already hard work to ask once. Anyways, we took our wagon for a walk to the market and found this nice man outside of the store. He gave us a big smile when he saw Sombrero in the wagon. This was our man for the pic, we knew it right away!! He asked if he needed to take out his "dip" for the pic (notice bottom left lip area), I think I shouted out, "oh no, we love the dip". Anyways, he said like 3 times, he didn't care if we took his picture and the hat was too small. He has been the most talkative this far. Oh Sombrero, you lucky hat....
Personally, I love the dip. You know, in south Alabama..dip is a staple here....wait, let me spit...never mind I will just swallow it. Way to go REAL COWBOY!
I didn't realize how gross it really is until I had to explain what dip was on our walk home. "It sits in your mouth and you squish the juice out and swallow and spit the extra out." Is that even right? Yuck!! And I have always noticed dip people could care less about what it looks like in their mouth and how it makes them talk a little different......
I wish I could have been there to see this conversation. I think I have laughed more just thinking of what you are saying and you crying because you are laughing so hard!
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