The Sombrero represents family, friends, strangers united by one hat. To all who participate, thank you. For all who don't, are probably wishin' you would've. It is all for fun and to see where the next adventure will be. Remember...."Don't squat on your spurs".

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This is the tallest man to have ever worn Sombrero. He is an original Texan. You know what they say, "you can't tell how good a man or a watermelon is until it gets thumped". I sorta felt I didn't even need to thump this fella', he seemed like a good man.


Jill said...

is he tall or are you sitting on the ground?:)

Tami said...

He was so tall that if I didn't squat I would've missed Sombrero. We spilled a little coffee on Sombrero. oops.....